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Control of Exports of Strategic Items

General Information

 The Licencing Section, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is responsible for the formulation and implementation of the export control policy of firearms, military equipment and dual-use items, in the context of the commitment of the government of the Republic of Cyprus to effectively contribute to the achievement and maintenance of international peace and security.

In this framework, the Republic of Cyprus has become a member of the following export control regimes:

-      Nuclear Suppliers Group (Nuclear Suppliers Group - NSG) – April 2000 

-      Australia Group (Australia Group - AG) – September 2000

Furthermore, Cyprus has applied for membership to the following regimes:

-      Missile Technology Control Regime (Missile Technology Control Regime - MTCR)

-    Wassenaar Arrangement (Wassenaar Arrangement - WA)

The Republic of Cyprus is also a signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention (Biological Weapons Convention - BWC) and the Chemical Weapons Convention (Chemical Weapons Convention - CWC), as well as other relevant international treaties. Moreover, Cyprus is a member of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

The Republic of Cyprus as a member of the European Union, the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe - OSCE) implements the policies and measures adopted by these organizations. 

For the implementation of the adopted export control policy, various legislations have been issued, which provide for the requirement to issue an export licence for the export, re-export, transit and transhipment of the controlled goods.

All applications for the issuing of export licences are submitted through Stratlink electronic system.


Dual Use Items

The regime for the control of exports, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfer of dual-use items was established by Regulation (EU) 2021/821.

 The list of controlled items is the Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2023/66.

 For the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2021/821 Regulations no. 528/2021 were issued.

 Dual-use items are the items, including software and technology, that can be used for both civil and military use. The above definition includes all items that can be used to assist in any way the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction.

 For the export and re-export of dual use items, an export licence, issued by the Licensing Section is needed, while the transit of non-Union items may be prohibited in case there is information that the items are or may be intended for uses related to weapons of mass destruction or for military use in an embargoed country.

 Further information on matters related to the control of exports of dual-use items can be found on the website of the European Commission.


Military Equipment

 Exports of military equipment are controlled in accordance with the Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP of the European Union of 8 December 2008, defining common rules governing control of exports of military technology and equipment and the implementing Regulations no. 522/2011, published in Official Gazette of the Republic with no. 4538 of 23.12.2011.

 According to the Regulations no. 522/2011, exports, re-exports and transit of military equipment require an export licence issued by the Licensing Section. Additionally, according to the same Regulations, the provision of brokering services and technical assistance related to military equipment also require a licence.

 For the list of controlled items of military equipmentclick here.



 On 30 September 2013, Regulation (EU) No. 258/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2012 implementing Article 10 of the United Nations’ Protocol against the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime (UN Firearms Protocol), and establishing export authorisation, import and transit measures for firearms, their parts and components and ammunition entered into force.

 For the implementation of Regulation No. 258/2012, Regulations No. 348/2013 were published in Official Gazette of the Republic with no. 4722 of 4.10.2013.

The Legislation mainly focuses on measures concerning the export and/or re-export of firearms from the Customs territory of the Union to or through third countries.

 According to the Legislation, an export licence is required, which is issued by the Licensing Section of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry in the following cases:

  • For the export and re-export of all firearms (Hunting/ Sports) and their spare parts to all third countries.
  • For the export and re-export of the ammunition of the above firearms in cases where the purchasing country or the country of destination is subject to a prohibition to arms export (arms embargo), that has been imposed by a decision, regulation, common position or joint action of the Council of the European Union or by a decision of the Organization of Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), or is subject to an arms embargo imposed by a binding resolution of the United Nations Security Council, which would allow their export.


Three types of Licences are issued:

a)    Single authorisation or licence granted to one specific exporter for one shipment of one or more firearms, their parts and essential components and ammunition to one identified final recipient or consignee in a third country.

b)    Multiple authorisation or licence granted to one specific exporter for multiple shipments of one or more firearms, their parts and essential components and ammunition to one identified final recipient or consignee in a third country.

c)    Global authorisation or licence granted to one specific exporter for multiple shipments of one or more firearms, their parts and essential components and ammunition to several identified final recipients or consignees in one or several third countries.

For the list of prohibitions applied by the EU, click here.


Transfers of defence-related products within the European Union

 For the regulation of the transfers of defence-related products within the European Union Directive 2009/43/EC was issued.

 For the transposition of the Directive, Regulations no. 523/2011 were published in Official Gazette of the Republic with no. 4538 of 23.12.2011. These Regulations were amended by the Regulations No. 257/2024.


 Export prohibitions for military equipment and dual use goods (embargoes)

 The Republic of Cyprus as a member of the European Union, the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) applies the policies and measures adopted by these organisations.

More specifically, the Republic of Cyprus applies the decisions adopted by the European Council in the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Resolutions adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations for the prohibition of exports of military equipment and dual-use items (imposition of embargo).

 For the list of prohibitions applied by the EU, click here.


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